MySQL Table Migration with Pandas DataFrame

Today I'll show how to use Pandas DataFrame for transforming data from one MySQL AWS RDS to another. Suppose situation when you have some old application that writes data to some MySQL...

Send Message to Slack with Python

Recently Slack changed the way you publish messages via API, so it took me a while to figure out how to do it by myself and today I'll show the short...

Jenkins Pipelines – Understanding Flyweight and Heavyweight Executors

Jenkins have two type of executors - flyweight and heavyweight. Flyweight executor is actually a Java thread that is running on Jenkins Master node. Jenkins automatically create Flyweight executors when...

Creating S3 Bucket with KMS Encryption via CloudFormation

This is AWS CloudFormation YAML template for creation Amazon S3 bucket which restricts unsecured data (SSE-KMS).   AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Amazon S3 Bucket with Resources: CodeFlexS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket ...

Spring Boot CRUD REST API Project Example

Spring Boot has REST support by providing default dependencies right out of the box. Spring Boot provides RestTemplateBuilder that can be used to customize the RestTemplate before calling the REST endpoints....

How to Convert InputStream to String in Java

Very frequent situation: you have and you need to convert it in some way into a String. There are several approaches to achieve this in Java, I'll show you the best...