Java REST Client Get Cookie From Server Response

Sometimes in order to be able to perform some actions via REST API server wants the client to be logged in. It may be done by sending to the client some...

Configuring and Running Redis Cluster on Linux

Redis Cluster was released on April 1st, 2015. Since then Redis Cluster is the preferred way to get automatic sharding and high availability. In this article you'll see step by step tutorials about how...

Get list of files and folders from specific Amazon S3 directory

Every item stored in Amazon S3 is object, not file, not folder, but object. This often confuses new programmers, because they used to deal with folders and files in file system....

Looping Through a Map in Java

If you need to merge or add values to existing map, or may be perform some other operations for entire map you can use forEach lambda method. For example let's see how...

What is Redis

Redis is NoSQL key-value in-memory distributed data store. It can be used as super-fast database, cache or message broker. Redis supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with...