Jenkinsfile – Copy S3 Objects to EFS

The code below is example of Jenkins job that copies files or folders form S3 bucket to EFS.


settings = [
    s3_path_is_folder: false

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'master'

    parameters {
        string(name: 'S3_PATH', defaultValue: '', description: 'S3 file path (s3://codeflex/examples/golang/main.go) or folder path (s3://codeflex/examples)', trim: true)
        string(name: 'EFS_PATH', defaultValue: '', description: 'EFS folder path (ex. myfolder) or leave empty for root path', trim: true)

    environment {
        CODEFLEX_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID = '77777777777'
        CODEFLEX_REGION = 'eu-west-1'
        SECRET_ID = 'codeflex-rds'

    options {
        skipDefaultCheckout true
        buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '25', artifactNumToKeepStr: '25'))

    stages {
        stage('S3 Path Validation') {
            steps {
                script {
                    withAWS(role: 'codeflex-jenkins', roleAccount: env.CODEFLEX_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, region: env.CODEFLEX_REGION) {
                        if ("${params.S3_PATH}".length() == 0) {
                            error('S3_PATH must be set!')
                        stdout = sh (script: "aws s3 ls ${params.S3_PATH}", returnStdout: true)
                        echo stdout
                        if (stdout.contains(' PRE ')) {
                            settings.s3_path_is_folder = true
                            echo 'S3_PATH is a folder'
                        else {
                            settings.s3_path_is_folder = false
                            echo 'S3_PATH is a file'

        stage('Mount EFS') {
            steps {
                script {
                    withAWS(role: 'codeflex-jenkins', roleAccount: env.CODEFLEX_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, region: env.CODEFLEX_REGION) {
                        sh('mkdir -p ~/efs-mount-point')
                        sh('sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport ~/efs-mount-point')
                        sh('sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins ~/efs-mount-point')

        stage('Check Mount') {
            steps {
                script {
                    withAWS(role: 'codeflex-jenkins', roleAccount: env.CODEFLEX_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, region: env.CODEFLEX_REGION) {
                        echo '**********************************************'
                        sh('df -T')
                        echo '**********************************************'
                        sh('ls -l ~/efs-mount-point')
                        echo '**********************************************'

        stage('EFS Path Validation') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if ("${params.EFS_PATH}".length() > 0) {
                        efs_path = '~/efs-mount-point/' + params.EFS_PATH

                        stdout = sh( script: '''#!/bin/bash
                                set -ex
                                if [ -d ''' + efs_path + ''' ]; then
                                    echo "true"
                                    echo "false"
                                ''', returnStdout: true)

                        echo stdout

                        if (stdout.contains('false')) {
                            error('No such directory on EFS: ' + efs_path)

        stage('Copy From S3 to EFS') {
            steps {
                script {
                    withAWS(role: 'codeflex-jenkins', roleAccount: env.CODEFLEX_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID, region: env.CODEFLEX_REGION) {
                        final_efs_path = ''
                        if ("${params.EFS_PATH}".length() > 0) {
                            final_efs_path =  '~/efs-mount-point/' + params.EFS_PATH
                        else {
                            final_efs_path = '~/efs-mount-point'
                        if (settings.s3_path_is_folder) {
                            folder_name = (params.S3_PATH).substring((params.S3_PATH).lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                            echo 'Folder name: ' + folder_name
                            final_efs_path = final_efs_path + '/' + folder_name
                            sh("aws s3 cp ${params.S3_PATH} ${final_efs_path} --recursive")
                        else {
                            sh("aws s3 cp ${params.S3_PATH} ${final_efs_path}")
                        echo '**********************************************'
                        sh("ls -l ${final_efs_path}")
                        echo '**********************************************'

    post {
        always {
            script {
                sh('sudo umount ~/efs-mount-point')
                sh('sudo rm -rf ~/efs-mount-point')

In the first stage ‘S3 Path Validation‘ I check that S3_PATH is not empty and then determine that provided path is an object or a folder.

In the second stage I’m creating a new directory and then running mounting command for EFS. Right after that I changing ownership to the Jenkins user. It’s important step, otherwise the copy command might fail due to lack of permissions.

In the next stage I just printing content of the directory where I mounted EFS and then Im validating that provided path on EFS exists.

‘Copy From S3 to EFS’ stage  – here I construct the final path and depends on what was provided on S3_PATH I finally running aws s3 cp command which copies S3 objects to the mounted EFS.

In the post stage I removing the workspace by deleteDir() command and un-mounting the EFS.


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